"Maitra’s proposal is aimed at ending the era of European freeloading by abruptly shifting the burden for continental defense onto their shoulders"... but if NATO is not about defending from Russia, because Russia is not a danger, and I agreed with it, though that may change in the future, given Europe behavior, who is it actually defending from? Who needs continental defense and from who? The reason Europe is freeloading, IMPO, is, in fact, because NATO is not about Europe continental defense but a USA geopolitical tool, and as such make sense it is fully paid from whom benefits and disbanded otherwise. There is a limit to Europe's Stockholm syndrome, IMPO

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EUROPE freeloading? Let’s not forget who imposed NATO on Europe. Abolish this warmongering institution. NATO caused the war in Ukraine, in Yugoslavia, Libya, etc. The actual beneficiary has been America’s military industrial and congressional complex (Eisenhower).

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we are glad to see the end of this NATO

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The US has led Europe to ruin. I wonder what they think about that.

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Europa: The Last Battle Documentary:


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Its funny people still pretend the fed gov isn't the uniparty its composite agenda walked forward in turn by one side then the other, objectively Show it to be.

The Fed Gov needs accountability. Lacking that We need the Second American Revolution. The Alliance serves itself, Not the American Public.

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Or the attitude of all countries, and the men within them. could change toward each other & all countries could decide to TRUST each other & simply co-operate to bring forth LIFE & live peaceably upon the land ... & stop trying to tell other countries & other societies how they need to do life .. of course that would mean leaving Greed behind .. but that would actually be progress !!!

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Europe should have stopped the Petrodollar and the formation of Israel. The world would be a completely different place had they.

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Let say that all the scheming works out for the Neo-cons and their Atlanticist vassals in Europe. Then we will be in a New Cold War where the US Empire can decay and wither away in isolation behind its New Iron Curtain.

This is unlikely to happen.

Even if the US can survive losing Ukraine, can it survive losing against China?

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Situation would be much more decisive than intention for this Ukraine war business.

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