The damage is - unfortunately - done. It will be very hard, if not impossible, to convince the "western world" of the truth.

The lie is just too juicy!

BRICS is unpopular, it is seen as a Sino/Russian plot to destabilise "western economy".

Pres. Erdogan is one of the most hated politicians in the European West, particularly in the German speaking areas.

He is seen as a good friend of Pres. Putin, as a traitor to "western values" and as a completely untrustworthy semi-islamist dictator interested in furthering only his ambition to be the new "caliph" of the islamic world.

And now, these two have come to blows!

Such a huge opportunity for western propaganda - apparent discord in the enemies top echelons - could never be ignored. Untrue, true - who cares.

The real questions should be " Who engineered this propaganda lie in the first place. Who are the profiteers? What are the hidden gains of such a disproportionate lie?"

The usual suspects spring to mind. The Anglofascist Alliance, the USofA, the EU, NATO. But are rheir other interests? In Germany, in India, in Türkiyye?

I do not have the means to investigate these questions myself in depth. But others might! I am looking forward to future comments on this issue!

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Personally I think Bild was under the German government pressure to post such a piece for Americans' agenda. Financially and trade-wise, Germany needs cheap raw materials as Germany has run low on even coal and iron, and no oil to begin with. Assuming BRICS is more of a producers' alliance (definitely has exceptions to this assumption) then Germany should not be happy about BRICS. China is actually in a similar situation, and so is India, although in somewhat less urgency, to need the natural resources from other BRICS members. However, given their respective histories, both China and India are more willing to pay the fair price (or less able to assert predatory pricing, as per different viewpoints). Since Germany had lost all overseas colonies after WW1, So Germany should have also get accustomed to pay fair price in the international market. After WW2, Germany has even less reason/ability to use predatory pricing. So really Germany is more like China and India in this aspect. I guess this is why the NorthStream pipeline had to be destroyed. Germany seemed to have lost its spines to ask US military to leave. If so, the German government would have no other choice, Sholz or after Sholz.

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Turkey should leave Nato.

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Why Turkey ? Why not Germany? France & Canada ?

Are any of EU members of NATO happy with the organization and it's Russo phobic war with Russia?

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I am sure it was a mistake The Bild is normally appropriate as a news source

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Thanks for this. I was beginning to realize the fakeness of the report when I saw no more about it, & I thought it through myself.

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More to the point- BRICS will have to develop a decision-making mechanism if it is to become anything other than a kaffeeklatsch. There are very few things, and even fewer concrete issues, that everyone agrees on.

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Read the Kazan Declaration.

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