Koshelenko probably used the same Green Screen that Zelenskyy uses for HIS propaganda. I'd bet anything that all the top gangsters are well-protected and their families are, too.

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Though in a little while

You will be dead again

After this first rehearsal

Since then and all the pain,

Still it’s not death that spends

So tenderly this treasure

In leaf-rich golden winds,

But life in lavish measure.

October spends the aster,

Riches of purple, blue,

Lavender, white, that glow

In ragged starry cluster.

Then, when November comes,

Shaggy chrysanthemums,

Salmon-pink, saffron yellow,

All coppers bright and mellow,

Stand up against the frost

And never count the cost.

No, it’s not death this year

Since then and all the pain.

It’s life we harvest here

(Sun on the crimson vine).

The garden speaks your name.

We drink your joys like wine.

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