"...more of a psychological weapon..." vs "...the military-strategic dynamics..."

I liked the airstrikes on Monday, which took out 80% of Ukraine's power grid and only cost x5 (according to some reports) or x6 (according to others) lives! Wow, that's gotta be the responsible way to bring an enemy to their knees while costing as little in humanitarian terms as possible! Talk about the Art of War: Sun Tzu would be proud, no doubt.

However profoundly and sincerely the Banderite-Hitler-wannabes, inspired by the morons of McCain, funded by the vassals of NATO and occupying the Ukrainian parliament (Rada) may be in their convictions of superiority over the Russians, life without electricity sucks. It may disappoint the hearts of us, who knew the Ukraine as a healthy, potentially wealthy and happy nation, but it would seem the 'cookies' of Nuland (American coerced funding (Start by stealing ~$300bn.) through EU vassals) has lured many Ukrainians, who were naturally on the right side, onto the side of delusion and sickness. Killing them would have been the old-fashioned (reliable) way of helping their nation back to health. It's just SO like Putin to reach for the innovative means of helping them by shocking them with their loss of electricity! As happily fat as they may have proudly presented themselves, passing out freebies to their newly-acquired minions, no NATO 'cookie', whatever delusional fantasy it may inspire, is going to make up for a real-life loss of electricity.

Beat that, Fats!

I'm not so sure about taking out the bridges over the Dnepr, Andrew, but I look forward to the Ukrainians' elaborated acquaintance with reality brought about by the Russians' relationship with their power grid. I'm so sorry it has to inconvenience so many, and even hurt some, of those who've never seriously considered Fats had anything of any real value to offer. (By far the vast majority, in real terms, I'm sure.) If only so many of them hadn't been murdered or imprisoned already, I'm sure they would be more than enough to bring the Wannabes down. As it stands, we'll just have to wait until their loss of power (electricity) brings them to their senses, onto their knees.

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A farmer doesn't care about the happiness of veal calves.

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Just a little stereotypical: not all Ukrainians are pig farmers, like in days of yore.

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You miss the point. The folks in Washington and Brussels are far from being pig farmers.

However, the rulers in Washington and their catamites in Brussels and Kiev all view Ukraine and Ukrainians as a resource to be exploited.

Nothing more.

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No, I got that point.

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Oh, no: veal — that's beef, isn't it?! (Ooops, silly me!)

Still, you get the point: with Stalin's help a lot of the old-style Ukrainian subsistence сало (Як сало!) farmers learnt to make their living on modern farms: 《От садиков царей до советских полей》. The process was very similar to that by which the Chinese pulled hundreds of millions out of poverty, nearly a century later.

Anyway, the point is, it wouldn't be accurate, and just a bit too much like an old-fashioned stereotype, to think of the Ukrainians as pig-ignorant farmers living on сало. That's how the Morons of McCain and Fats of Nuland reeled them in: by pretending not to recognise the stereotype. You've got to recognise it before you can relate to it for what is has become, which is why the Americans are losing. (They haven't done that.)

You might find this book helpful (Just came across it this morning, coincidentally, funnily enough): https://www.thepostil.com/the-russian-art-of-war-how-the-west-led-ukraine-to-defeat/, e.g.

"This explains, for example, Russia’s limited objectives in the Ukraine, where it does not seek to occupy the entire territory, as the correlation of forces in the western part of the country would be unfavorable."

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"Therein lies the reason behind the media hype over this new weapon. Although Kiev claims that it was an entirely indigenous creation, it’s difficult to believe that NATO countries didn’t contribute to it. More than likely, Western military-technical specialists participated in its production, though this might have been done without their political leadership being aware. The goal appears to have been to pressure them into lifting restrictions by Ukraine on the use of their weapons after this fait accompli."

O please. The weapon was entirely designed, tested, and manufactured in the West and with western support, and will be used wherever it can be used.

The whole story about Ukrainian involvement is a figleaf.

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@Feral Finster

But nobody has even seen one of these alleged drones deployed? Perhaps the drawing itself is the psychological weapon.

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We hear similar cope at every escalation.

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@Feral Finster

A while back, something shaped like this drawing with a pulse jet engine (NOISY!) was used by Ukraine. If you've seen this alleged new toy actually get used, please let me know where?

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Got a link to that?

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@Feral Finster

Well, fuck me. It was probably a substance less propaganda operation last time too (but with claimed locally made cheap pulse jet engine instead of an imported $14,000 German turbojet).

Pictures I had seen were all drawings or photos of Shaheed, Stiletto & other drone wreckage mislabeled.


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Would to God that you prove correct, but we've seen this too many times in the past.

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Isn't it of some significance the facts when we turn this around the other way? I mean look at this kind of warhead being delivered anywhere inside Kiev Ukraine territory. See?

That has been happening continually has it not?

The 'Allies' - Russia and Donbas Ukrainians, said that way in order to be the more accurate, combat the false claim of Russia attacking Ukraine and to give prominence and acknowledgement of the efforts and sacrifice of Donbas Ukrainians for the last ten years - have been able to deliver such payloads from the beginning I think. Or am I wrong?

Iskanders and Kalibers I think, right?

Well my point is that they didn't cause the Allies to win anything in a couple of days did they?

The war to this day still proceeds on the invaded land on the Donbas.

The invaders: Kiev American puppets and slaves - are still there. On Donbas. Invading. Occupying.

And they even invaded anew and took a couple of hundred square kilometres of farm land in Kursk and Iskanders and Kalibers and Lancets haven't driven them out have they?

And that's when the perimeter is firing into a central zone. So there's more perimeter than centre.

So that's easier in every way that firing from centre to perimeter isn't it?

So it seems to me ludicrous.

Any way you slice it.

If the USA gives them more of this stuff to match their breadstick bomb it just means all of the above.

And more: for every shot out to the perimeter is a shot away from where shots are needed. On the basis that they destroy logistics, infrastructure, supplies, popular citizen support.

Well as I say - that hasn't worked for the Allies has it?

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And again... Russia needs to spend 17 FAB-3000 around Kyiv! Until that day western terrorists and the Ukrainian neonazis will persist in doing more.

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Killing lots of random, mostly uninvolved civilians to make the point that they CAN & to TRY and terrorize the rest into demanding their politicians submission is what the "shock & awe" brand does. Fuck your constant demand to kill/terrorize the common people, bullshit like that is why I'm not singing along with Lee Greenwood and flying Ukrainian & Israeli flags out in my yard.

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Common modern Moron slaves exist to be culled... If it is in the event we most adore (war) or it is during OPERATION COVIDIUS I couldn't care less.

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Someone is CRANKY-WANKY. Here, have a kitten-


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Oh Brevette there is nothing that makes me cranky-wanky!

I'm beyond that level of stupidity.

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I am intrigued! You have advanced to a higher level of stupidity?!

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That’s the only way to do it… But, still not as good as you.

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"20kg. blast-fragmentation warhead"

'Blast-fragmentation' means, 'cluster-bomb', doesn't it; like the Americans give the Ukrainians (which I'd understood were supposed to be banned by all 'civilised' nations)?

Don't you need 5-10x more kg's to make a bomb worth spending the money it would cost to deliver? Mouse fart on a stick?

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60 kg. payload without need for a cannon shell type steel projectile body could be quite significant, depending on target and sophistication of warhead design.

The explosive fill of M795 USA 155mm artillery shells is only about 10.8 kg.

Recent Hellfire anti armor missiles have only 9kg of explosive fill as a tandem shaped charge, they have wrecked M1 Abahms tanks in friendly fire incidents. A 20kg shaped charge could be QUITE effective vs. armored vehicles (or most fortifications).

Cute drawing shows no guidance or sensor details, without knowing all about that, speculation on capability is meaningless.

That nifty little turbojet sucks 1400cc kerosene/minute on full power, 200cc/minute at idle, without knowing real world airframe specs & design speeds, can't say much about range (but not intercontinental).

Perhaps the drawing itself is the psychological weapon?

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