I just heard a historical bell rhyme. Is this little offensive Zelensky's Battle of the Bulge?

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Not quite. The Battle of the Bulge actually had a chance, even if small to turn into a disaster for the allies.

Here, they just threw away thousands of men for one day of Twitter posts.

One of the reasons btw, that the Wehrmacht lasted as long as it did against overwhelming enemies, is that they were very good at keeping the core of veteran divisions intact, and reinforcing them regularly with new men and material.

In Ukraines case, they’re creating new, green units with barely any training, while the veteran brigades are bleeding out.

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True, but the fact is the Germans DID lose that battle and a whole lot of tanks and men that they couldn’t afford to lose. Sounds like the Ukrainians are doing something similar.

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As I've said elsewhere, like the Battle of the Bulge, Ukraine's Kursk incursion is the last hurrah of a country that is losing the capacity for sustained offensive actions.

(In Ukraine's case, the lack of manpower threatens to become crippling.)

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Yeah, the Ukrainians have been suffering World War I-level casualties, and their whole country is facing WWI-style collapse.

My wife’s biological grandparents came from Minsk in 1923, six years after the Russian Empire collapsed. You can’t blame them for wanting out.

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It is a shame for the Russian monitoing & defense capabilities. It is not the first time.....Were They sleeping? Who is the reponsible

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Good point. We keep hearing about Russian air defenses, but failures keep happening.

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The battle of Kursk was 81 years ago this July 2nd

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I don't think that the Russians were unaware. I suspect that they lured the Ukrainians into Kursk, to have an opportunity to maul the best of the Ukrainian army and to prepare public opinion for the need for stricter measures to settle the war.

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This is no dastardly sneak attack and that's a fatal mindset if seriously held. This is just normal warfare and well executed. While on the Russian side there's evidence of less than well execution already.

I read that enemy concentrations were spotted at the border but they could not get permission to fire at them. I've lost the TG link. But it was there. And now we find we've got that drone supremacy again which is supposed to have been reversed. Not only that but effective ECM.

They are cunning, determined and resourceful. To imagine this is some kind of queensbury rules gentlemanly game is suicidal.

Simplicius went to great lengths to refute any claims of Kiev drone supremacy.

Read this and look at the situation and decide who you want to believe.


What's needed, this dumb armchair warrior surmises, is an immediate attack on Kiev.

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"...NATO’s impressive tactical capabilities..."

Bang for Buck: that's quite a few bucks for some impressive tactical capabilities.

Not that there's any comparison, really, but just out of interest, I wonder how it compares to Russia's (where there just happens to be a real war going on).

"In February, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said: “In 2024, NATO allies in Europe will invest a combined total of $380bn in defence.""


"The Defense Appropriations Bill provides a total discretionary allocation of $833.053 billion"


Freee Derek Chauvin! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFPi3EigjFA)

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I wonder if the new nuclear reactors being constructed in the Kursk area is hit or not.

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We've been hearing similar predictions for over two years now.

This "just the tip" style of warfare only gets people killed.

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Truly mind boggling that they wasted their manpower with raising new brigades and throwing them into the meat grinder like this, instead of using them to reinforce the units in Donbas that are falling apart.

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