Well, that's interesting. Perhaps they have a prisoner swap they still really want to make and don't want to piss Putin off too much. Or something else they will need Putin's cooperation on. Or payback for helping make the Iranian counterstrike just a great light show if Seymour Hersh is correct about Russian cooperation.

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"It remains unclear why they reached this conclusion and leaked it..."

Seems pretty clear to me: they're realised the extent to which the narratives they've been pushing are just so obviously ridiculous, they're going to have to start back-pedalling somehow, somewhere, and this seems a pretty good place to start. Duh! (Not you , them — superDUH — a bit late now (but better late than never, I suppose.))

"...he posed no threat to the Russian leader..."

Being a wannabe stooge, as he was, he never posed any threat to anyone. Regardless how much colour revolution money they threw at it, and accolades he got from Yale or any other such Ivy League centre of progressive intellectual dynamism, there was never any real hope of him attaining any real success in Russia. He'd had all the faux-success he was going to get when he made the Russians aware of him with attempts to manipulate the mayoral elections in Moscow. It wasn't going to get any better for him than that. Actually, that might not be quite right: I think he did also enjoy some degree of 'protest-vote-for-wannabe-stooge' success with Soros money throughout Russia with similar manipulations of a nationwide poll, didn't he? Those were the days! I'm sure 'Putin', as they say in the West, was all trembling terrified (NOT)!

"...approved swapping Navalny for unnamed Russian prisoners being held by the West..."

Yeah, it's a damn shame that didn't pan out: could have put that nonsense about the Jew Yourk Times spys not spying, and being inappropriately arrested (and prosecuted) to bed.

"...it truly doesn’t make sense why President Putin would approve of that only to then turn around and kill him."

That would make it a natural place for a spot of backpedalling, then, wouldn't it?

"...they couldn’t lend false credence to the initial narrative that he was responsible if they wanted to retain a semblance of credibility..."

Yep, that's a real natural, alright!

"...Biden was made to look like a fool..."

Hey, you take the best from what you've got and make the best of it.

How would you suggest it might be possible to avoid making Biden, and all the rest of his Moron McCain-type buddies, looking like what they are? You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't pull the wool over everyone's eyes forever. When you get a break like manna from heaven to start quietly back-pedalling, you grab it with both hands, like the JYT, shut the fuck up, and get on with it.

"...anti-Russian activists still can’t accept..."

Born a moron, die a moron: there will probably always be some of the McCain mentality who insist on pulling the American flag into their grave with them.

"...they’re further discrediting the West’s information warfare operations..."

Hence the need to find a good place to start back-pedalling: the longer it's put off, the more of everything will get pulled into the moron mentality's grave.

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