Jun 7Liked by Andrew Korybko

What about simply arming Syrian S400 and clearing the sky over Damascus?

Great post, btw, thank you very much.

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The S-400s are defensive and would only realistically be used against attacking Israeli jets, which Russia doesn't want to interfere with nor has it ever since it has consistently stood back and let them bomb the IRGC and Hezbollah there from 2015 till today.

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But would activate them be doubly useful: (1) escalate and (2) force AIPAC to put pressure on Boden.

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EXCELLENT review of some possibilities!!

I do not know or imagine who in the USA administration may have the ability to think through some of these actions reactions.

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A President Trump and his American supporters would have plenty of appetite to support Israel and go after Iran and its axis of resistance. The Orange Rabbi is a die-hard Zionist like his would-be predecessors, and his supporters consider Iran a satanic power. A few hypersonics owned by Iran would do nothing to stop an America riled to war by him and his supportive neocons.

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First rate analysis. Kudos!

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What should you know about the current Russian President Putin? https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/what-should-you-know-about-the-current

Was man über den derzeitigen russischen Präsidenten Putin wissen sollte? https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/was-solltet-ihr-uber-den-derzeitigen

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Putin is supposed to have said that diplomacy with Obama was like playing chess with a child who makes thoughtless moves, then turns the board over in anger.

He’s going to need a new metaphor.

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we could have a wonderful world war without having a world war.

Just as America has in fact been at war with the world for decades now the world could turn around and start being at war with America.

In the same way.


And via 'proxies' as much as possible.

Every malcontent, dissident, extremist, nationalist or just plain trouble maker or gun for hire could be employed all around the globe tearing down the American hegamonic presence like piranha fish tearing at some struggling bovine that's unwarily blundered into the river.

There are plenty of them everywhere. Everywhere.

Once they get the message. With a little bit of encouragement. And a blind eye by the authorities, so to speak, in the localities in question.

I do believe that in fact it is in progress but much hushed up, totally ignored of course by the MSM. But increasing incidences of attacks on American bases around the world.

And, of course, America is doing all it can to help in this inasmuch as it never does anything to cater to people's needs, demands, rights to simple justice but just manifests more and more evil manipulation wherever it might be.

Inflaming the people more and more. Stoking the fires of rebellion.

If Russia and allies turn a blind eye to 'missing' stocks of missiles here and there, happen to let drop the occasion target specifications and parameters or whatever.....

They've got it coming.

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"Houthi are known to be one of the “third parties” that Russia will indirectly supply long-range weapons, including long-range ballistic missiles"


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I don't know who that person is so I'm not going to evaluate their unsubstantiated claim as reliable. There's a ton of pro-Iranian literal propaganda and innocent wishful thinking swirling around nowadays so folks should keep that in mind too.

As I wrote, Putin will think twice about arming the Resistance out of concern that some arms can get to the Houthis and be used against his close Saudi partners. I can't imagine him authorizing the direct shipment of long-range ballistic missiles to them.

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I do appreciate them citing my article though, that was very kind of them.

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I checked again and they cited Medvedev speech

"let the USA and their allies feel the direct use of Russian weapons by third parties. These parties or regions are intentionally not named, but they can be anyone who considers the USA and its allies their enemies, regardless of their political beliefs and international recognition”.

I think that why the article states that Russia will indirectly arm the houthi.

You were cited as follows:

"As Korybko notes, arming Iran offers the best return on investment because Iran already has an expeditionary force – the Shia Expeditionary Force – that is ready and willing to attack American targets in their region"

Source: https://kagirison.com/rigathi-gachagua-lamu-gikuyu-somali-jihad-kalenjin-mafia/

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Regarding Medvedev, little of what he says reflects actual policy or ever comes into being. In fact, you can usually assume that Russia won't ever do whatever it is that he says it's about to. On rare occasions, he'll have some solid insight, but those times are far and few between.

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As for that article, it sounds like simple assumption, and it doesn't address the concerns that I mentioned with respect to Russian policy vis Saudi Arabia.

Moreover, Russia has condemned the Houthis at the UNSC for threatening civilian vessels, and I don't believe that its policy is going to change.

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Thanks for your insight. Your analysis offer the nuance needed when we seek simple black-and-white answers.

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