Point is, the war could also escalate to the ultimate worst-case level, full blown nuclear war, WW3. My assessment is that that is what they were hoping for. For them it is now a zero-sum game. Everybody must die, not only Zelensky and his venal clique, the West/USA/NATO has also lost their criminal dominance of the world, so to avoid the Hitler cyanide option, everybody has to go, all of humanity.

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Is that your speech you gave at your child’s elementary school Career Day??

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The USA/NATO & Ukraine have lost in Ukraine, are losing in the middle east, also grappling with diminishing undue influence on the African continent as well as in the East. They have been stoking wars all over the world. This action is in their DNA, to foster wars in order to get their way, to continue exploiting others. If that was mu kindergarten speech, it shows the incisive level of foresight i had about the evil US empire.

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But that IS the ex-Nazi's (as popular understanding would have it) cyanide option, isn't it?

See 'Sampson Option' above.

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It certainly appears that the West's strategic objectives now include, and perhaps are driven by, the need to cripple BRICS prior to their October summit in Russia. If BRICS adopt a security alliance, the group will pose as much a threat to the Hegemon as Russia. The world is like a spinning roulette wheel.

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And always bet on black—Obama and Kamala!!

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"...it’s incumbent on the West to do its utmost to stop them from doing this."

Вот в чем собака зарыта: the Ukrainians have never really had anything to do with any of this. It's all the fabrication of those who prefer the Samson Option to adopting a position which would require them to reject notions of god-given exceptionalism and find their place to play alongside everyone else in the big sandbox that is the world.

It's like the beginning of Stanley Kubrick's 2001 (A Space Odyssey): some monkeys worked out how to use desiccated bones to rule before others saw it coming. It really only needs one significant leader, who understands what's happening, to demonstrate by example, to organise everyone to use intelligence and apply impulse control for everything to change.

One shouldn't expect the monkeys who discovered their once-innovative use of desiccated bones to eagerly make the jump to the new way of thinking without resistance, hence their innovation of the Samson Option: 'If we don't do it my way, no-one can do it at all'.

When organised religion was still popular, before smartphones and the societal changes they inspired, even before television, when the most dramatic and significant form of entertainment and education was either related to the Church, or witnessing public executions and other means of compelling those who would be kings (which, to a more or less direct extent, would also have been related to the Church) prayer was considered the most effective means of counteracting the monkeys with sticks and stones and dried bones.

Pray for Putin and Russia to prevail.

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Great as always, Andrew. Keep it up, October will be a most interesting month for several reasons I suspect.

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Why Ukraine provokes Russia ? Ukraine did not provoke Russia; USA ordered its puppets in Ukraine to provoke Russia. Now the provocation proves fatal, Ukraine wants to drag USA into the furnace. Why Israel attacked Gaza and provoked Iran ? USA did not give order to Israel. It is Israelis internal political decision to seek a military solution. Now the military solution proves fatal, Israel wants to drag USA into the furnace.

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Why tactical nuke? Why not full on in Europe? I hope someone is putting some sense in the Ukranians mind.

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To drag nato into it ,madness, everything will then burn 🔥

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Aryan India and Vedic Russia are one and the same indivisible indeterminate civilisation, forged eternally into an inalienable oneness like a Bose Einstein condensate by Lord God. As such, there is no such thing as any "pressure" on India to relinquish support for Russia in the event of Russia using nuclear weapons. Those in India who voice anti-Russian sentiments include many Dravidian Goanese priestcrafter untouchability-monger racists, and other cohorts of the CIA who do not share ethnic or cultural semblance with Aryan civilisation. The Vedic Hindi-speaking Indian masses will never disown their unitarian supra-spiritual transcendental oneness with Russia, even out of fear of hell fire. If the west has branded Russia as guilty of some monumental sins, then Aryan Hindi masses too announce their wilful complicity in those "crimes", and assert that the west cannot scare or dissuade them by brandishing fears of hell fire. Indian public opinion is not hostage to whims and fancies of the political leadership.

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You're so naive if you think Russia will let America attack its forces in Ukraine. That's causus beli it would result in an immediate and overwhelming retaliation. Remember that Russia has escalatory dominance over there.

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1. Ukraine has less agency than a veal calf.

2. Nothing would delight NATO more than if Russia were to resort to nuclear weapons.

Russian impotence would be on full display and any goodwill that Russia enjoyed would be obliterated.

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But Russia is potent.

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Russia doesn't act like it.

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I see. When the US / NATO 's expeditionary forces bombards the crap out of Iraq's 3rd rate military that didn't even have air deffences, and bombards the crap out of Iraqi civilians ,and then claim this bs was a " war" and a " victory" --- now that is power, right? Remind me, pretty please, when the US won any war, especially the war on their own territory against the attackers , -- wars like Russia & USSR historically has fought and won? How many people died in the US during WWII on the territory of their own country of America? Oh, yeah, I forgot the myth about Americans winning over Nazis in WWII , not Soviet Union. Russia is the culture of warriors and throughout centuries has developed the Russian Art of War , and because of these Russia has been successfull. In this last war of the West in their polygon in 404 against Russia-- Russia already strategically won in every aspect : won on the battlefield demilitarizing ukro-nazis & US/NATO and steadily attriting the enemies human and weapons reserves while preserving the lives of Russia's military personnel; won economically regardless of all the sanctions; won politically in foreign policies in the world and inside the country; and Russia won the arms race; and the world is changing right before our eyes because of Russia's military strategy and outstanding diplomacy . But naaah, Russia is " impotent" , right?

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The War On Iraq did exactly what it was intended to do - turn Iraq into a failed state.

Similar, the War On Libya turned Libya into a failed state, and the War On Syria has been working towards the same.

Otherwise, you argue with points that I never made.

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