
Changing one's position to the detriment of the camp that has just suffered bombings that have largely affected the civilian population, for example: for Nasrallah's skin, a neighborhood razed and probably 300 to 500 civilian deaths, that's called opportunism.

Showing moderation would have required having the current language upstream, but in the face of recent Israeli attacks in Lebanon, severely condemn Israel.

I don't like China's changing of foot on all counts. It is an ally that Russia should be wary of.

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China's behavior is somewhat similar to Russia's but there are also some differences due to different domestic conditions: Russia is too hot while China is too cold. China, and Russia, want to appease the global south, especially the ME oil producers. China also plays to smooth domestic Muslim mood, while Russia has less need for that.

China's move appears to be a sharper change than those of Russia's (no apparent change) because (1) China's policy makers historically are bad at fine-tuning and better at dramatic changes. (2) Given China's soft knees before American sanctions and trade-war threat (far more serious a matter than for Russia), China's capital flights has fewer and fewer outlets. Israel has always been with China, and other countries, in various kinds of shady deals. This Israel link, is now more important than ever. (3) Russia's link to Israel has more to do with blood lines. Capital flights is likely not a concern. (4) Russia has direct military involvement in Syria and close encounters with Israel have been increasing. China has no military ground assets in the ME.

(5) only weakly related: WSJ has an article about China's large companies having a new fad to hire Western consulting firms nominally to improve management. I suspect the real reason is capital flight. The decisions to hire which consulting companies and pay how much are executive decisions. And these companies all have shady arms for wealth management as well. China's most recent stimulus is about the last call for all folks in power to make their final capital flights. Afterward, China would have even less spine to stick to Russia's position or its own imperialist dreams. As for ME, I suspect China will walk more American style than Russian style. Let's watch Kazan carefully to see if such a shift by China becomes more apparent.

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The overwhelming majority including the UN supports a two-state solution. So does China. With that said, in consideration to both those nations of people whether they are called Palestine-Israel, common sense would have that both nations have their security concerns paid attention to.

The problem here is almost exactly like Ukraine. Both nations are proxies of "old money" and other elitist interests across the old world. Jewish and non-jewish and as such when they conduct foreign policy and the barrel of a gun, cause untold suffering and mayhem, then run for cover under their mommy's skirt (read: national interests). Zelensky built himself a fool proof framework that doesn't allow possibility of peace. It was designed and approved by the West and their homegrown nationalists. How does he have the audacity to claim he has a roadmap for peace? Furthermore how does it factor in the local populace who have suffered and are literally being kidnapped and shipped to the frontline.

Now let's go back to Israel. Israel is not in a war with Lebanon. It's not in a war with Yemen nor Syria or Iraq. And it certainly isn't in a war with Iran. That sets up a different political theatre altogether. So who is Israel allegedly delivering "devastating attacks" to; some (albeit very effective) militias scattered across many nations with the prominent four being Hezbollah, Answar-Allah, Hama's and Iraq PMCs. If you follow that region's events, you would realize that every other day, one of these militias is delivering a devastating bloody nose to Israel but because they don't gloat as loud or in cohoots with MSM, Israel gets to control the narrative.

I think that this is what China is alluding to. Israeli citizens also need to be recognized as being a security concern because of the violence they are being subjected to UNNECESSARILY. Only problem with those concerns is Bibi and Biden don't give a damn about them. If they had they would have nipped this in the bud. So just like Zelensky, the only ones in the way of peace and objective security concerns are the top people hellbent on death and destruction.

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The violence against Israel was always a reaction to Israel's crimes... Heck, Israel is in the dock right now at ICJ and we are still waiting for the panel of judges at ICC to release the arrest warrant for Bibi...

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The military-diplomatic tables decisively turned over the past month, however, so they no longer want be associated as much with what’s increasingly being seen as the losing side since that could make it more difficult for them to be invited by Israel to any peace talks if they’re held in a multilateral format. 😳....speechless.

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Because China is trying to appease Israel and the United States in an attempt to prevent WWIII.

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4d chess eh? It never ends.

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I wouldn't call what China is doing so artful or adroit.

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One can condemn genocide without calling for the extirpation of the state of Israel. A single statement out of context can be read many ways, in context is where consistency counts. What has China's consistent policy on two state solution been?

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I hyperlinked to a collection of harsh Chinese statements here:


And also to an analysis of Israel's official complaint against China early on in the war here:


Regardless of whatever you might think that China's intentions may or may not have been, the perception from Israel, Western observers, and even journalists is that it's tacitly more in support of the Resistance than of Israel.

That's why the journalist had to ask her to confirm what she said since he couldn't believe it at first due to it being such a strong departure from China's regular rhetoric on this issue. It's very timely too for the reasons that I explained.

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

Thanks for the prompt reply with links. The 2nd link is particularly interesting, in this 2nd link Israel seems to agree with Hamas that civilians were not targeted by Hamas on Oct 7, as least as far as the auto-translate can be trusted.

"The messages released by Chinese officials, such as "sadness at the large number of civilian casualties as a result of the conflict," condemnation of "actions that harm civilians," and calls for an "immediate ceasefire," are neither representative nor appropriate of the tragic events and atrocities of recent days."

Perhaps China's recent statement is encouraging / applying pressure to both sides to get peace talks underway, just as China's previous statements about Bibi's mass murder of civilians and unrestrained aggression could have been about trying to create conditions for someone in Israel to reign in the madmen running the country, all for the simple reason that war with Iran and Israel will wreck the world's economy and thus China's as well. Well, this is an unknown, the actual motivations, but I do appreciate (edit: your) take on it, it has stimulated some thought for me which maybe some breakfast tea can move along.

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Not sure about these tea leaves. Heck, the whole Islamic and Arab organization/countries have declared clearly that they are ready to stand for Israel if Israel stops the genocide and accepts the two state solution.

Israel's security? Give me a break. Israel sees its security only trough one lense: being the much stronger party (meaning that has no problem in having mayhem triggered in the neighbourhood, or shaky autocracies) able to impose its will on others by any means it choses, and having open borders so that it can settle around where it feels like it.

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There is not going to be any post war, only devastation and further escalation ! Starting in the Middle East and spreading to alll fault lines , Ukraine ,Taiwan , US Mexico , Baltics & Balkans ! Dark days ahead ! War and rumors of War Nation against Nation , Kingdom against Kingdom . Tribe against Tribe ! Just as the Good Lord Jesus Christ said ! Too many Fanatics for it to be other wise ! We are ALL so deserving , for believing in Man and his Technogly of death

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Putting this question out to all - does anyone have any confirmation Gallant is dead or alive. Israel's swears he's alive by publicizing a picture! Seriously?!? It was reported he was killed in the strike.

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Domestic conditions both in China and Russian are overwhelmingly favourable to their respective governments and also ideologically no issues with Israel’s genocidal wars.

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