Poland refused to engage in negotiations with Germany on the issue of Danzig back in 1939... seems to be a playbook they like to follow: don't talk to your neighbors. It worked out so well for them last time!

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On the more practical side, they want Belarus to control the immigrants at Belarus' cost. They are not willing to share the cost, so no point to talk. But more importantly is the ideological side: Poland and the Baltics 3 don't want to be seen as negotiating with a "separate peace" with Russia or Belarus. The same can be said about Finland. On one hand, they are not sure about their own determination and capabilities, misjudge the intention of Russia. On the other hand, they are crazily aggressive on the outside, with proud, arrogance, and hubris spilled over everywhere. I would claim these four countries matter only as potential battleground and US missile launch sites, but nothing else.

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If Russia were to disappear today, Poland would go from America's Special Little Buddy to a rather yappy midtier backwater satrapy.

Sort of like Colombia, if Colombia had delusions of grandeur but no cocaine.

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There is another article in mainstream Poland's media which quotes Bloomberg and claims that Poland's diplomacy is a king, successfully limiting immigrants intake because of Chinese pressure on Belarus: https://next.gazeta.pl/next/7,151003,31170542,oslabl-nacisk-imigrantow-bloomberg-laczy-to-wizyta-prezydenta.html

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Polish media claim opposite, "Poland successfully blackmailed China": https://wiadomosci.wp.pl/polska-wyslala-chinom-sygnal-pekin-naciskal-na-lukaszenke-7052520365939328a -- Jak przekazał Bloombergowi minister spraw zagranicznych Radosław Sikorski, wykorzystanie tranzytu w negocjacjach z Chinami "mogło być czynnikiem", który doprowadził do mniejszej presji migracyjnej na granicy.

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