Just another clue that suicide-bombers of al queda had nothing to do with 9/11. The US deep state will do almost anything to manufacture a war.

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The West, in particular the anglofascist USofA, have a long history of following the old but fallacious adage: "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".

Examples include: the mujaheddin against Russia, the IS against Assad and Russia, the Kurds against the IS, the Taliban agsins Al Qaeda, the mujaheddin e khalq agains Iran, Khomeini against the Shah, the muslim brothers against Sadat, Saddam against Iran, the list is sheer endless.

The result is always the same, the former "friends" turn out to be enemies. This will happen with the Chechen terrorists.

This is due to an entirely wrong understanding of the relationships "friendship" and "enmity".

To establish the relationship of "friend" between all/two parties, both must agree. Before, the rejstiovship is at best open. It is a symmetric relationship.

Not so with "enemy". Only one single party is necessary to establish enmity. The relationship is asymmetric.

Symmetric and asymmetric relationships are a priori not comparable. Therefore, a reverse conclusion - as stated in the above adage - is not permissable.

A simple error of reasoning but oft repeated!

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Islamic Jihad (with the exception of its preoccupation with Salman Rushdie) has paused, along with BLM and Antifa, as the 4th Reich continues its march to Moscow.

Prior to the Biden administration, an alliance between the USA and Russia would have been logical and probable.

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What makes these chechens any more terrorist than Ukrainians fighting the Russians or the Russians destroying electricity hubs to leave civilians cold and freezing. This is a purely Islamophobic post. Much like western references to Russians as orcs.

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