1. Russia does not expect the dollar or the financial system to collapse soon, and would be in big trouble if they did.

2. Much of alt-media and their followers live in a fantasy world.

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I have been hearing that the dollar is going to collapse soon since 2008 from when the conspiracy movement started to become populair. Plot twist: you can't collapse if you control the game.

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Such predictions have been an alt-media staple since before I was a kitten.

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'Slowly, softly, catchee monkey!'


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softly, softly, catchee monkey

Proceed cautiously or gently to achieve an objective.

Capture a target without startling it and causing it to run away.

See also

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"See also..."


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Interesting and a bit surprising, but it makes sense. Thanks!

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Very interesting. Converting IMF into a positive role in the world financial architecture, I do believe Mr Putin along with other BRICS leaders have a plan and they know how to make it happen. I’m looking forward to it -it can’t be worse than Christine LeGard being in charge, can it? 😁

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I thought earlier that the saber-rattling over long-range missile strikes in Russia was related to the short-range missiles Iran recently delivered to Russia. "The Christian Science Monitor" had an article which seemed to support this thesis. https://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2024/0912/iran-ballistic-missiles-russia-backfire

Then, I remembered reading last night about an Israeli assault on an Iranian missile facility in Syria--done by Israeli special forces flown in by helicopter. https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-819803

The U.S. first announced their recognition of the missile delivery to Russia on Sept. 6-7, and the Israeli raid occurred Sept.8.

These countries signal each other all the time and are involved in an intricate dance. Doesn't, therefore, surprise me that BRICS are IMF affiliated. It's all Kabuki Theater. One need only look at the heavily armed ME's lack of response to Gazan genocide...over a patently orchestrated "Israeli Pearl Harbor" on Oct. 7 last year. No one gives a damn about people. Simple and true. Israel and the NWO want the land for The Great ME Project, and they will have it with their high techno-culture shunting Arabic culture, which just wants goats and olive trees, aside.

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There's a difference between conceptualizing and truly grasping realities. The rush to have BRICS "save the day" & create an ideal world as we watch the video is simple-minded. Of course, nations everywhere are tied to IMF & the global trade structure, not to mention saddled with U$a military bases. After 80 years or more of growing interconnectivity, we cannot expect to suddenly break "free."

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As usual, a very reasonable article from Mr. Korybko.

While it might apear to be "sobering", reality is what it is and one needs to participate in order to change it. Probably Russia still remember the big fail during the Korean War, when, because USSR boycoted UN, the US was able to create the internationally "sanctioned" mission to insert itself in the occupation of Korea and changing the popular will there. If USSR would have stayed on, they could have vetoed such an intervention...

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Cutting the west off from Russian resources would be considered act of war? How so?

Didn't the US/EU sanction Russia and essentially (in theory) cut off those resources themselves?

So, Russia wants to bring down IMF, and IMF welcomes it and is perfectly ok with it?

Yes, the world is intertwined and interconnected. Does BRICS actually have any real role other than

a debate circle and a frenzy of zoom meetings? It's never going to be a monolithic block like

many want it to be.

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I wonder on the topic of trade with the West: quoting you:

.......Although Russia is self-sufficient in raw materials, it still relies on foreign trade as an important source of revenue and a means of obtaining spare aircraft parts, high-tech products, and other goods. Inflicting sudden systemic shocks on the West could therefore shock the Chinese and Indian economies too, thus leading to less energy sales to them as well as less high-tech and other product imports. This explains why Russia still accounts for nearly a fifth of the EU’s gas needs despite the bloc’s participation in NATO’s proxy war on it through Ukraine. The same goes for why Russia still sells critical minerals to them and the US too, although Putin just suggested restrictions on this “if this does not harm us”.......

Just several days later, we can read in the news:

.... State Duma deputy Mikhail Delyagin believes that the logic of some citizens is wrong, that "if we do not help in the production of shells to kill our soldiers by selling resources, then we will not have enough money to treat those who will survive the attacks with these shells." In his opinion, the blood of our comrades is more important than profit from our enemies...... " If we suddenly stop supplying titanium to Boeing, then we have to think about what we're going to do with that titanium — we're going to have to build our own aircraft." (https://t.me/delyagin/33738)

I'm interested:

1) Is there a way that this line of thought can be simply shot at and "killed" with a good argument


2) whether there are serious counter-arguments to it, other than “in the Russian socio-cultural ambient, it’s simply less than realistic, it just won't be adopted”

3) what are you general impressions from Delyagin's statement (if it's feels like a blowhard, that's okay with me, I just want sincerity)

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Closer cooperation with the IMF would also lessen the likelihood of a default by the US, which, if it happened, would be a disaster for the world.

The shift to multipolarity has to be done slowly and meticulously or else we're in a vacuum. Rome, as they say, wasn't built in a day.

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How cutting off trade by russia can be an act of war against NATO when NATO/ EU imposed so many sanctions?🤷🏼‍♀️

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In reality the IMF is coming to Russia ahead of the BRICS summit in October to beg and plead with BRICS member states to not dedollarize as even the IMF is shocked at the current trends of dedollarization. It was NOT Russia that decided this route but the illegal unilateral sanctions and Russia’s stolen foreign assets. Way to go Genocide Joe. You will forever be known as the president (in name only) that turned the dollar into dust.

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