I think you mean "designated" a foreign agent in the Russian Federation.

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Thanks for catching that typo!

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On that Michael Weiss...

How neocon Michael Weiss went from hosting Islamophobic rallies with far-right hate queen Pamela Geller to lobbying for Islamist rebels in Syria


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Taliban were a bonafide army at war with American troops on Afghan soil. They cannot be deemed "terrorists" for their military actions, in contradistinction to the HTS which overran Syria from its base in Turkey. Michael Weiss is a vehement supporter of jihadist formations which conquer secular countries, but readings of his articles can foment erroneous impressions to the effect that those supporting Taliban in its struggle against American occupation are "state sponsors of terrorism". Even if that be the case, Pakistan fits the bill more than anyone else!

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"And finally, the timing of all this is clearly meant to complicate Trump’s efforts to negotiate an end to the Ukrainian Conflict with Russia."

Of course, and of course the story is bullshit.

Doesn't matter, as long as it works.

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I remember seeing these in the news but far frm sure about the full truth. I was not impressed at the time as this kind of things are the norms during war times based on my knowledge. Americans supported the Afghan Taliban in fighting against USSR using American weapons; American Special Forces were inside Afghanistan for sure. By the time Americans wanted to withdraw, it is only natural if such bounty did happen. Americans did similar things in Vietnam. As for now, Americans and American weapons are once again fighting a war against Russians, including invading Russia Proper. If there was no bounty on the Western military personnel or weapons, that would be strange.

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