The pieces are in place for the US to employ Al Shabaab as proxies for continuing its Hybrid War of Terror on Ethiopia if American strategists decide to do so following the failure of their TPLF puppets to overthrow their target’s democratically elected government or “Bosnify” its administrative borders.
1.The US put a five million dollar award for the head of one of the Alshabab leaders.when the Ethiopian forces caught up with him and sent him to hell with his combatants within days of attacking Ethiopia,the Americans didn't say a word about it
2.Alshabab never before attacked Ethiopia with such a large force.It did this time within few days of the return of the US forces to Somalia
In addition to that,
1.The US put a five million dollar award for the head of one of the Alshabab leaders.when the Ethiopian forces caught up with him and sent him to hell with his combatants within days of attacking Ethiopia,the Americans didn't say a word about it
2.Alshabab never before attacked Ethiopia with such a large force.It did this time within few days of the return of the US forces to Somalia
Alshabab is the US
Very Wonderful Article! Just supper