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The evidence that this former TV comedian and drug snorting buddy of Hunter Laptop, chosen by the CIA and Victoria Fuck the EU Nuland as their puppet for their proxy war - is a sick diseased despicable degenerate liar and thug is plentiful and goes back to the start of the invasion. Then again, he merely reflects the qualities of his US bosses. The lies about Russian soldiers raping women, massacring civilians, etc are forgotten now buried by Western MSM. As is the lie about a Russian missile landing in Poland - a diabolical lie calculated to trigger Article 5, which Biden himself was forced to dismiss... That this POS and his corrupt regime is also looting from the aid for his devastated country is additional proof he is completely evil.

Villas, real estate investments, Lamborghinis, Porsches, Mercedeses for these thugs while 10 million citizens have fled the country is an obscenity that should have shocked the world.

But the corruption starts in the US and its NATO vassals who are all profiting from the loot of billions or tens of billions from the $117 billion so far handed over with zero monitoring to this POS. That he was allowed to address the British Parliament and US Congress shows how utterly evil and corrupt the West is. Unquestionably And Northrup Grumman, Raytheon etc and their boss Larry FINK at BlackRock are hysterically laughing at the billions of profit from the 'aid' to Ukraine.

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