
Zelensky’s voormalige adviseur riskeert zijn leven om de Oekraïners de waarheid te vertellen


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Een kind begrijpt dat Ukraïne nooit van Rusland kan winnen. Hebben we echt geen experts voor nodig, dus deze man riskeert zijn leven voor noppes…

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Arestovych has spent 10+ months lifting spirits while still speaking the truth. His mistake on the Dnipro was not that he 'spoke the truth' but that he didn't check his information. Question from Mark Fagin "How come you couldn't shoot down that big, clumsy, obsolete missile?". Arestovych: "We did shoot it down, but it landed on the house and exploded". It seems he was going by assumptions (how come our repeatedly upgraded air defence couldn't hit something like that) and hadn't checked his facts. There is a very detailed discussion based on footage from Ruslan Leviev, where there is no evidence that it was shot down (by the way, if it was shot down that doesn't make Kyiv culpable, it's still a missile sent at Ukraine by Russians - it should be clear who was culpable). I don't see any evidence of any of the other things you are talking about concerning Arestovych's personal safety, the possibility of victory, or internal power struggles. It has always been clear that he is at the border line of "information provider" and "motivational speaker". He speaks to stimulate action. That's what he's still doing.

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If the Taliban can run both the U.S. and Russia out of Afghanistan, Ukraine can do the same.

North Vietnam, one of the smallest and poorest countries on Earth, kicked the world's leading superpower out of their country. The Ukrainians may not succeed, but saying that they can't is not supported by real world evidence. In the conflicts I mentioned, victory went to those who wanted it the most. In this war, that is the Ukrainians.

What truth tellers should be saying is that Ukraine can beat Russia, but it will come at a very dear price. The Ukrainian people already know that, and have chosen to pay that price, instead of paying the price of losing their freedom.

It's not really a patriotic service to be sowing confusion and doubt in the middle of a war. Ukraine has an elected leader. It's not Arestovich. Arestovich should sit down and shut up. After the war he can write his book and go on talk shows etc.

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You are surely delusional man.

From WEF country judging by your silly comment.

If it wasn't that +- 30 countries are militarily and financially (soon with NATO troops if they are not already there) the "war" would have been over in 3 weeks. Now it has become a NATO ALLIANCE WAR AGAINST RUSSIA!!!! USA is too sheeeet scared to admit it. Your administration is incredibly evil and corrupt.


If nothing els...believe THAT

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nobody will cry!

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