Total, total insanity. No reason whatever except direct provocation. Clear as day. Plain as the nose on your face.
The people 'running the show' are totally directly inimical to the welfare of the people they are supposed to be representing. Totally. Absolutely.
Everyone, anyone, who thinks about it knows immediately that our 'democracies' are not really set up as democracies. There is no 'govt of the people by the people for the people'. There is no constant interaction with and consideration of the people and their wishes. None.
The Party system and the vote every few years is a pathetic stop gap or work around because it wasn't practically feasible to do anything else.
So there's good reasons, historically, for why things are like this. But that doesn't make it right.
And today we clearly see how terribly wrong it is.
It is evident in so many ways but there's one way inherent in that very statement of the facts that I just made: that the system is makeshift stopgap. Because that being the case wouldn't you expect a constant effort on the part of the vitally interested to improve that 'stopgap', in fact to remove and it and replace with a working full democracy?
To always be looking for some way to improve interaction with the people?
Always looking for some way to improve the people's voice, be more receptive to it, give more opportunity for it to be heard?
Be always wanting to be more open with them and include them in the narrative, give them the facts?
Wouldn't you expect that?
But when have you ever, ever seen the faintest intimation that any politician or political party in fact has any interest whatever in any such initiatives?
When? Where? Who?
I think nowhere, no one.
Universally it is 'vote me in and I will fix it'. Vote me in is all I want of you. Vote me in and then go away.
Is that not totally indicative of a moribund system?
We don't need a fix for the Ukraine mess or the Israel mess or bloody climate change or this or that or the other: we need the people on deck running this world for themselves as they should.
THEN they will fix all these other things as they should be fixed.
Trying to fix them in the absence of the people is futile. Futile. Stupidly futile. Like expecting madmen to heal themselves, to come to their senses when lunatic from birth.
The whole point, again, is that the people have no voice.
To elaborate: they know they have no voice.
And they've known it for generations.
Each generation, since birth.
So their expectations in this direction are nil. Nil.
There is a corollary:
If you think you'll have no say you take no interest.
There's another factor:
Human laziness. All humans have that.
So when you can do something you often measure whether you'll do it or not according to the effort it'll cost and the possible reward.
So voting/taking an interest and informing yourself is all too hard for too little reward.
Whereas: pulling your smartphone out and pressing a button which says 'vote this prick out' or 'vote against this thing' is no real hardship. Especially if its the fashion of the day and everyone's doing it.
For christ's sake. There's a direction that ought to pay off. Push in that direction if you're real at all and want things to improve...
Why do you think that the SRF & Billionaires would EVER allow such CHANGE to Their well tuned and efficient current sub-system "democracy"?!
Long are the Days when the herds would chop something! But even that ancient practice wouldn't CHANGE anything... soon after it was everything being done as usual!
So what are you trying to say and why don't you just say it instead of inferring? Seems to be: 'Can't be done.'
You seem to be pushing the line: 'All is lost and nothing can be done'.
I do not agree that is the case.
And if you consider this particular proposal you'll see that it requires no approval from anyone, not government, not oligarchs, not anyone.
Open source the code is made by the people which is where the brightest programmers are and it is maintained by them and the security of the whole thing watched over by them.
Well I believe you are completely wrong. I certainly hope you are.
For if the collective voice of all the people cannot effectively steer a country in a good direction what alternative do we have? Nothing but to see people as a bunch of dumb sheep, born slaves needing to be directed all their lives.
I do not agree with that but I recognise it could turn out that way.
It is for sure I do not know the certain answer at this moment and nor does anyone else, including yourself.
The point is it has to be tried to find out.
I do suspect that you'd think yourself capable of steering the country, though, right? It's the others that are dumb, not you?
Total, total insanity. No reason whatever except direct provocation. Clear as day. Plain as the nose on your face.
The people 'running the show' are totally directly inimical to the welfare of the people they are supposed to be representing. Totally. Absolutely.
Everyone, anyone, who thinks about it knows immediately that our 'democracies' are not really set up as democracies. There is no 'govt of the people by the people for the people'. There is no constant interaction with and consideration of the people and their wishes. None.
The Party system and the vote every few years is a pathetic stop gap or work around because it wasn't practically feasible to do anything else.
So there's good reasons, historically, for why things are like this. But that doesn't make it right.
And today we clearly see how terribly wrong it is.
It is evident in so many ways but there's one way inherent in that very statement of the facts that I just made: that the system is makeshift stopgap. Because that being the case wouldn't you expect a constant effort on the part of the vitally interested to improve that 'stopgap', in fact to remove and it and replace with a working full democracy?
To always be looking for some way to improve interaction with the people?
Always looking for some way to improve the people's voice, be more receptive to it, give more opportunity for it to be heard?
Be always wanting to be more open with them and include them in the narrative, give them the facts?
Wouldn't you expect that?
But when have you ever, ever seen the faintest intimation that any politician or political party in fact has any interest whatever in any such initiatives?
When? Where? Who?
I think nowhere, no one.
Universally it is 'vote me in and I will fix it'. Vote me in is all I want of you. Vote me in and then go away.
Is that not totally indicative of a moribund system?
We don't need a fix for the Ukraine mess or the Israel mess or bloody climate change or this or that or the other: we need the people on deck running this world for themselves as they should.
THEN they will fix all these other things as they should be fixed.
Trying to fix them in the absence of the people is futile. Futile. Stupidly futile. Like expecting madmen to heal themselves, to come to their senses when lunatic from birth.
We need the people.
It can be done:
and this shows how close to being it already is: open source voting apps
Voting under the current sub-system labelled "democracy" is the utter manifestation of Personal Irresponsibility.
There is no need for "the people" if the herd is not Responsible and above all if the majority of the herd does not want to be Responsible.
we won't know about the people until we hear from them. that's the point.
The sheeple doesn’t want to be heard… didn’t you already witnessed it during OPERATION COVIDIUS?!
The whole point, again, is that the people have no voice.
To elaborate: they know they have no voice.
And they've known it for generations.
Each generation, since birth.
So their expectations in this direction are nil. Nil.
There is a corollary:
If you think you'll have no say you take no interest.
There's another factor:
Human laziness. All humans have that.
So when you can do something you often measure whether you'll do it or not according to the effort it'll cost and the possible reward.
So voting/taking an interest and informing yourself is all too hard for too little reward.
Whereas: pulling your smartphone out and pressing a button which says 'vote this prick out' or 'vote against this thing' is no real hardship. Especially if its the fashion of the day and everyone's doing it.
For christ's sake. There's a direction that ought to pay off. Push in that direction if you're real at all and want things to improve...
Why do you think that the SRF & Billionaires would EVER allow such CHANGE to Their well tuned and efficient current sub-system "democracy"?!
Long are the Days when the herds would chop something! But even that ancient practice wouldn't CHANGE anything... soon after it was everything being done as usual!
So what are you trying to say and why don't you just say it instead of inferring? Seems to be: 'Can't be done.'
You seem to be pushing the line: 'All is lost and nothing can be done'.
I do not agree that is the case.
And if you consider this particular proposal you'll see that it requires no approval from anyone, not government, not oligarchs, not anyone.
Open source the code is made by the people which is where the brightest programmers are and it is maintained by them and the security of the whole thing watched over by them.
I do not understand your last paragraph.
If one wants to use OSC apps and play "vote" who am I to stop them?!
What matters is that those votes would even count less than the ones that the herds of MMS/3i's do today (from E2E).
It for sure can be done... Just NOT via "voting" no matter the tool (paper or "smart"phone) used to do it!
Well I believe you are completely wrong. I certainly hope you are.
For if the collective voice of all the people cannot effectively steer a country in a good direction what alternative do we have? Nothing but to see people as a bunch of dumb sheep, born slaves needing to be directed all their lives.
I do not agree with that but I recognise it could turn out that way.
It is for sure I do not know the certain answer at this moment and nor does anyone else, including yourself.
The point is it has to be tried to find out.
I do suspect that you'd think yourself capable of steering the country, though, right? It's the others that are dumb, not you?
No matter what my delusions are, and what your thoughts are... This is the Reality we slave on
Sure doesn't look like a "smart"phone and an app for "voting" will CHANGE it.
But one thing needs clarification: Who will implement such voting system and turn it as a "legal" way to approve laws?
You fail to understand, it would seem, entirely. Could I suggest you're perhaps going too fast? Just slow down and think about it all.