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After the victory of NATO-backed foreign legionaries among Al Qaeda insurgents had become almost certain in Libya, erstwhile Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, then a firm believer in rapprochment with the west, suddenly announced the unexpected decision of banning Libyan leader Muammar Gaddaffi and his family from landing on Russian soil, in tune with the prevailing general western consensus of denouncing Mr Gaddaffi and the British decision to divest him of diplomatic immunity and declare him a war criminal. For the record, even the Assad government denied Nr Gaddaffi landing rights in Syria.

History does not take very long to come full circle.

Much of the discussion centering on Mr Assad and Syria after his exit, becomes largely academic and superfluous, unless practical lessons are drawn and implemented whilst there is still time. Otherwise, the western noose is closing in on Russia by the passing day, howsoever undignified though it may be to admit it.

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People don't realize the shady history of Gaddafi. Iran extremely hated the family and praised the overthrow of Gaddafi. Russia doesn't have much love for Gaddafi family either too!

Saddam and Gaddafi families were originally installed or helped by the USA. It's hard to fully trust dictators who can flip flop. Right now, I can see that Erdogan will be the next one in line to suffer the same fate as all others.

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I know the history of Gaddaffi and am aware of how he had denounced Russia in the early part of his burgeoning political career, especially in his rejoinder to President Fidel Castro at NAM summit in Africa, and his bombastic lament about "Russian communism" being the single scourge of Arab societies worse than American imperialism during his conversations with Arab leaders. And the execution of a prominent Lebanese Shiite leader by Gaddafi after the Libyan supremo had got triggered by the Shiite clerics protests against Gaddaffi's attempts to place the blueprint of his political philosophy, the so called Green book, on same pedestal with the Quran. Mr Gaddaffi might have had his failings, which are beyond the scope of my expertise in any case. The point is not about the moral compass of any one person, but on the preparedness or lack of it on part of Russia to face the inevitable onslought coming soon in full throttle from its civilisational enemies in the west. As much as anything else such as technological or military prowess, the will to stand up against hegemony of the collective west counts among the most decisive variables. Let the world hope for the best.

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Russia and China are well equipped on this matter than you and I. The West wages a civilizational war is more of a propaganda war to keep those useless nerds employed in various state departments and bureaucracies across the West. In reality, The West only cares about profits in the short term ways. They choose to fight certain wars to get quick profits or recoupment of investments within two or three years. Unfortunately, the top ruling elites in the West are not actual Westerners these days but foreign elites with multiple passports who enjoy luxury vacation in the West and make money in their own non-Western countries. The fall of Syria is more like Global South elites backstabbing its own to make money or extract any political perk.

Russia and China found BRICS to get rid of the most annoying problem called "sanctions" that some weaker elites in the West (mostly foreign) use against stronger elites across the world. The solution is the global transactions systems and fintech solutions that will dwarf SWIFT. It's far better for each country to use their own currencies to trade because each nation's monetary policy is not compatible with each other (Eurozone crisis is an example). The USD is no longer hegemonic as it delegates into just another strong currency in the basket of strong currencies. In the future, all elites will move to cryptocurrencies which the US has already done to prepare to abandon USD hegemony policies.

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Interesting input, Mr Marco Palo. If it is not inconvenient, could you please elucidate a bit more on the "Global South Elites" ensconced in USA who have "backstabbed" and "sacrificed" Syria on the altar of their greed for making quick profits on their investments. Because such people should be exposed, ideally.

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Yanis Varoufakis really explains this better than me.


The USD is very convenient for global elites in all nations to loot and exploit people. The fun is going to end with the US starts abusing its power to sanction. China and Russia really want to dethrone the Deep State elites in the West or across the world who abuse the power of sanctions. That's really what matter!

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