Abiy Amhed is a war criminal wagging war on Amhara populations. His deepest hatred. Jealousy, envy of Amhara peoples achievements has motivated him to act this way. His entire political circles are Anti -Amhara, ethnonationlist, by marginalization process they have displacement 500 thousands Amharas from the capital city demolition their homes. Since him and his criminal cronies rap power thousands of atrocities have happened especially on Amhara population. He has started a war with war experts of Amhara that he cannot win and this will be his demise. VICTORY to the Amhara.

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I can't edit the spelling guys

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I have been following your writings lately. Thank you so much. They are Very clarifying.

I was wondering if you know any expert like you, but for the South American territory.

I am Venezuelan and live in Brasil.

Thank you

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I suspect this is a smoke screen and laser light show for Erdogan, although I have no clue how he achieved it. Selling weapons on the cheap could be one of the ways. My reasons are: (1) Erdogan has an election coming up (2) Erdogan wants to show an image larger than life toward Trump. Chances are he wants another batch of F-16 or something. (3) Erdogan did something behind Putin's back in Syria, so he must lean on the US/West side for a while and keep a low profile in front of Russia. (4) Neocons around Trump would go along with a NATO troop in Ukraine without USA if Trump can agree that Turkey gets involved in that mission as well. But if Erdogan goes this extra step, he would have no good future with Russia, not just Putin. Erdogan probably only wants the limelight currently on Orban switched to him to become THE mediator for Ukraine.

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Why would Erdogan fear Russia? He armed Azerbaijan against Russia's treaty ally and helped them annex Nagarno-Karobakh. Putin did nothing against Erdogan

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Very true. I think it is more of Erdogan has a lot to milk from Russia. But after a big squeeze, it makes sense to wait a bit before the next squeeze. Instead, right now it is a good time to squeeze the Western Cows.

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