None of this would be happening had Bangladesh’s new Islamist-inspired ruling clique not been given a de facto blank check by the US to do whatever it wants for the purpose of provoking India.
Another example of US foreign policy that supports blatant interference in the political processes of other nations. With the exception of the Israel lobby that controls much of US governance and its State Department, the US public will not tolerate any interference in its "democracy" by any other nation. American "exceptionalism" is plain for all not see.
But it's not about a single monk, is it? It's about being rewarded for identifying and isolating an other, having this behaviour tacitly ignored in the first case, establishing it as a pattern to be used, and MOST IMPORTANTLY allowing it to be rewarded by covert means ('corruption') to set the boundaries for the new state's/regime's/government's existence. This is how colour revolutions are made into 'stable' states, like the Ukraine, when the fireworks and shouting are over. После драки кулаками не машут. When the shouting and fireworks are over, a single dissident monk is just right.
"...Bangladesh is looking for a pretext..."
Hey, everybody needs to tout for work!
"...[the US] hopes to weaponize Bangladesh to keep India in check like it earlier weaponized Ukraine vis-à-vis Russia."
Almost as if they were incapable of learning — a deliberately (self-)retarded (restricted development — retard/advance) state; like the royal family and aristocracy in the UK. Gee, I wonder where they get it from? The ghosts of Culloden lie not silent!
"...only if they can successfully counteract the influence of those “deep state”..."
So, executions to take place in front of the Washington Monument: in time-honoured fashion they march toward their Bastille Day — 'The guillotine claims a bloody prize...'? Or are the Americans so much better than that? There's little evidence to demonstrate they've done enough work to avoid it.
"...Trump is known for being manipulatable..."
What, you mean like a narcissist? No! (NOT!) But, then, that means the 'Deep State' will be able to manipulate him too!? Maybe they should ALL be executed? Maybe they know that and hope to beat everybody else to the punch? Their escalation in the Ukraine certainly looks that way.
"...none of this would be happening had the new ruling clique not been..." Manipulated? No! (NOT!) Victims of the Victim-Perpetrator Bond. 'I will turn your face to alabaster, when you find your servant is your master.' Let's take it in turns and call it 'democracy'.
"...the only way that this will stop is..." Bastille Day!
Bangladesh also plays an important role with USA attempting to undermine Myanmar, and through creating chaos in Myanmar undermine China. A two for one with the NED if this investment puts pressure on India.
Japanese were limited to Shinto and Buddhism until the western missionaries reached Japan. China had Taoists until Buddhism came to China more than a thousand years ago. Three Chinese emperors disliked Buddhism so much, they tried to wipe out Buddhism completely from China much like Japanese lords tried to kill off all Christians. Neither succeeded, but believers were persecuted badly.
The whole point of separating British India into three parts was due to religious differences. I will bet there were Hindus in Pakistan as well, but probably all migrated away. East Pakistan used to be a land in which Hindus could marginally coexist with Muslims, if barely. Even after East Pakistan became Bangladesh, the ethnic and religious conflicts have persisted but are usually under control. But tensions go higher when there is not enough resources. After a few rounds of devastating floods/storms and multi-decade of weak governing, I guess Bangladesh's population have gone beyond its natural capacity (a long time ago). When poor people are in desperation, they tend to cling to their respective religions. Hindu minority within a Muslim majority area hence becomes a serious problem. Personally, I see no point for anybody with a strong religious belief to go into any area with a clear domination of another religion. And if that area also has religion written into their Constitutions, then one with a different religion should not live there at all. The same can be said about a Jewish Rabbi going to UAE. I don't know why he was there, but I simply would not do that. Until an Islamic master finds a way to allow birth control, similar cases will continue to happen and be exploited.
India's current government is doing a lot worse to muslims. Sure Bangladesh doing it because US wanted it. No,USA is not any hero but it is trying to pressure indian government to change it's foreign policy
Yeah? There are running battles and crackdowns on the streets? Large scale destruction of homes, businesses, and places of worship? People being killed in the streets? No, you are just lying "kartheek".
Lolz indeed. First you suggest the Bangladesh situation is justified because of some imaginary "much worse" to poor oppressed Muslims in India. Then you claim RSS/BJP has imported some Israel model. Please explain instead of just throwing out statements.
When you say something like "oh India is doing much worse", that comes across as justification even if you try to distance yourself from it. Basically something like "oh it's no big deal, they deserve it".
"What Bangladesh is doing is like mirroring..." is again problematic. One, you first need to establish that India is in fact doing something. Then you need to establish that it is actually comparable to what Bangladesh is doing. You haven't done either of those.
There is no wholesale attack on Muslims in India, while there is one going on in Bangladesh right now. There is a genocide in Bangladesh in plain view. While the population of Indian Muslims has increased. Not that it is matters because Hindus in Bangladesh are not answerable for anything the Indian government may be doing, just like Muslims in India are not answerable for anything Pakistan or Bangladesh does to Hindus in those countries.
Presence of bulldozers is not a strong enough feature to call something a copy of another so called model. Firstly, I don't know that there is an Israeli model. Secondly, I don't know if bulldozers are an important part of said model other than an expedient way to clear large tracts of land for military action.
I do know that these are only used against illegal construction. These are structures which are known illegal structures and have to be demolished. The owner being involved in violence has become a trigger for fast tracking of action against such buildings (otherwise these things stay in judicial limbo forever). This is not the same as using bulldozers to create open buffer land in a warzone. So I don't see parallels between the two other than extremely superficial ones.
The question is why did you need to sidetrack the conversation about the current genocide of Hindus in Bangladesh to "oh India is doing much worse". You couldn't justify that statement, but it doesn't even matter because the two are not related.
Another example of US foreign policy that supports blatant interference in the political processes of other nations. With the exception of the Israel lobby that controls much of US governance and its State Department, the US public will not tolerate any interference in its "democracy" by any other nation. American "exceptionalism" is plain for all not see.
Of course. What does anyone propose to do about it?
"...cracking down on a single dissident monk."
But it's not about a single monk, is it? It's about being rewarded for identifying and isolating an other, having this behaviour tacitly ignored in the first case, establishing it as a pattern to be used, and MOST IMPORTANTLY allowing it to be rewarded by covert means ('corruption') to set the boundaries for the new state's/regime's/government's existence. This is how colour revolutions are made into 'stable' states, like the Ukraine, when the fireworks and shouting are over. После драки кулаками не машут. When the shouting and fireworks are over, a single dissident monk is just right.
"...Bangladesh is looking for a pretext..."
Hey, everybody needs to tout for work!
"...[the US] hopes to weaponize Bangladesh to keep India in check like it earlier weaponized Ukraine vis-à-vis Russia."
Almost as if they were incapable of learning — a deliberately (self-)retarded (restricted development — retard/advance) state; like the royal family and aristocracy in the UK. Gee, I wonder where they get it from? The ghosts of Culloden lie not silent!
"...only if they can successfully counteract the influence of those “deep state”..."
So, executions to take place in front of the Washington Monument: in time-honoured fashion they march toward their Bastille Day — 'The guillotine claims a bloody prize...'? Or are the Americans so much better than that? There's little evidence to demonstrate they've done enough work to avoid it.
"...Trump is known for being manipulatable..."
What, you mean like a narcissist? No! (NOT!) But, then, that means the 'Deep State' will be able to manipulate him too!? Maybe they should ALL be executed? Maybe they know that and hope to beat everybody else to the punch? Their escalation in the Ukraine certainly looks that way.
"...none of this would be happening had the new ruling clique not been..." Manipulated? No! (NOT!) Victims of the Victim-Perpetrator Bond. 'I will turn your face to alabaster, when you find your servant is your master.' Let's take it in turns and call it 'democracy'.
"...the only way that this will stop is..." Bastille Day!
Bangladesh also plays an important role with USA attempting to undermine Myanmar, and through creating chaos in Myanmar undermine China. A two for one with the NED if this investment puts pressure on India.
Japanese were limited to Shinto and Buddhism until the western missionaries reached Japan. China had Taoists until Buddhism came to China more than a thousand years ago. Three Chinese emperors disliked Buddhism so much, they tried to wipe out Buddhism completely from China much like Japanese lords tried to kill off all Christians. Neither succeeded, but believers were persecuted badly.
The whole point of separating British India into three parts was due to religious differences. I will bet there were Hindus in Pakistan as well, but probably all migrated away. East Pakistan used to be a land in which Hindus could marginally coexist with Muslims, if barely. Even after East Pakistan became Bangladesh, the ethnic and religious conflicts have persisted but are usually under control. But tensions go higher when there is not enough resources. After a few rounds of devastating floods/storms and multi-decade of weak governing, I guess Bangladesh's population have gone beyond its natural capacity (a long time ago). When poor people are in desperation, they tend to cling to their respective religions. Hindu minority within a Muslim majority area hence becomes a serious problem. Personally, I see no point for anybody with a strong religious belief to go into any area with a clear domination of another religion. And if that area also has religion written into their Constitutions, then one with a different religion should not live there at all. The same can be said about a Jewish Rabbi going to UAE. I don't know why he was there, but I simply would not do that. Until an Islamic master finds a way to allow birth control, similar cases will continue to happen and be exploited.
There were a lot of Hindus in what is now Pakistan, and yes, most fled at the time of the Partition.
Same could be said of Muslims in India, to be fair.
Or the Northern Ireland separating from Ireland. Or the Baltics countries try to drive out the Russian-speaking population, etc.
India's current government is doing a lot worse to muslims. Sure Bangladesh doing it because US wanted it. No,USA is not any hero but it is trying to pressure indian government to change it's foreign policy
Yeah? There are running battles and crackdowns on the streets? Large scale destruction of homes, businesses, and places of worship? People being killed in the streets? No, you are just lying "kartheek".
Lolz. RSS/ BJP imported israel model. So, please
Lolz indeed. First you suggest the Bangladesh situation is justified because of some imaginary "much worse" to poor oppressed Muslims in India. Then you claim RSS/BJP has imported some Israel model. Please explain instead of just throwing out statements.
I didn't justify.i only said BJP/ RSS is doing same thing.
What Bangladesh doing is like mirroring what india is doing to me ( based on US instructions/ advise etc.,).
you can't find parallels to Israel treatment? Bulldozer dramas etc.,
When you say something like "oh India is doing much worse", that comes across as justification even if you try to distance yourself from it. Basically something like "oh it's no big deal, they deserve it".
"What Bangladesh is doing is like mirroring..." is again problematic. One, you first need to establish that India is in fact doing something. Then you need to establish that it is actually comparable to what Bangladesh is doing. You haven't done either of those.
There is no wholesale attack on Muslims in India, while there is one going on in Bangladesh right now. There is a genocide in Bangladesh in plain view. While the population of Indian Muslims has increased. Not that it is matters because Hindus in Bangladesh are not answerable for anything the Indian government may be doing, just like Muslims in India are not answerable for anything Pakistan or Bangladesh does to Hindus in those countries.
Presence of bulldozers is not a strong enough feature to call something a copy of another so called model. Firstly, I don't know that there is an Israeli model. Secondly, I don't know if bulldozers are an important part of said model other than an expedient way to clear large tracts of land for military action.
I do know that these are only used against illegal construction. These are structures which are known illegal structures and have to be demolished. The owner being involved in violence has become a trigger for fast tracking of action against such buildings (otherwise these things stay in judicial limbo forever). This is not the same as using bulldozers to create open buffer land in a warzone. So I don't see parallels between the two other than extremely superficial ones.
The question is why did you need to sidetrack the conversation about the current genocide of Hindus in Bangladesh to "oh India is doing much worse". You couldn't justify that statement, but it doesn't even matter because the two are not related.