No one can say with confidence what’ll happen other than predict that the conflict might pass a turning point later this year, though it’s unclear whether that would be in the Tatmadaw’s or the anti-government forces’ favor.
It is a tricky area. I heard that China historically gave assistance to the "rebel" in northern Myanmar to balance the power in Rangoon. In the last several years, however, China has tilted toward Rangoon and that may have provided the opportunity for CIA to seep in. I guess China's goal is to keep regional peace and reactivate the Burma Road to Rangoon. The problems for the USA are (1) Rebels in northern Myanmar were highly fragmented. American money has tied them together, but this binding is weak. (2) This "NUG" is sandwiched between China and the Rangoon government. Ukraine has a western end that borders NATO countries. Resupply must go through northern Thailand or NE India. Therefore, there are now more reasons for the USA to interfere in Thailand and NE India. American intelligence has accumulated enough "slush fund" to last through the coming 4 years. I don't see Trump effectively reducing the activities of deep-state imperialists.
Not sure about that. Trump has things on his own plate to worry about i. e. the Drug Cartels as they will be a tougher opponent than the Trump administration would like to think! The Myanmar government is much closer to falling than what is thought!
Better step very carefully. It’s a tiny difference between getting enough arms to overthrow the government, and getting enough arms to envelop the whole country into a decades long civil war.
It is a tricky area. I heard that China historically gave assistance to the "rebel" in northern Myanmar to balance the power in Rangoon. In the last several years, however, China has tilted toward Rangoon and that may have provided the opportunity for CIA to seep in. I guess China's goal is to keep regional peace and reactivate the Burma Road to Rangoon. The problems for the USA are (1) Rebels in northern Myanmar were highly fragmented. American money has tied them together, but this binding is weak. (2) This "NUG" is sandwiched between China and the Rangoon government. Ukraine has a western end that borders NATO countries. Resupply must go through northern Thailand or NE India. Therefore, there are now more reasons for the USA to interfere in Thailand and NE India. American intelligence has accumulated enough "slush fund" to last through the coming 4 years. I don't see Trump effectively reducing the activities of deep-state imperialists.
Not sure about that. Trump has things on his own plate to worry about i. e. the Drug Cartels as they will be a tougher opponent than the Trump administration would like to think! The Myanmar government is much closer to falling than what is thought!
Better step very carefully. It’s a tiny difference between getting enough arms to overthrow the government, and getting enough arms to envelop the whole country into a decades long civil war.
Government and population should focus on peace and education in this Dark Age of 2025. God bless.