Goon Yoon soon doom. It translates in South Korean to Yoon is a US Goon and will soon be doomed. Andrew leaves no global political turmoil uncovered like Superman. He is everywhere intrepid. lol My geopolitical worldview has expanded because of it.

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Again and again are USA involved in conflicts and coups in another country 1000 of miles from their homeland The reason there is a North and South Korea and they still are in conflict with each other is also because of USA. Like in Vietnam USA should never have been involved in the Korean War USA most stop interfering in other countries internal affairs Yankee go home and close all your military bases around the world and focus on all your domestic problems inside USA

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Not sure what is really going on.

But my 2 cents:

It just seems to me that this was some kind of TRIAL RUN to gauge the public's reaction. In other words, to see if they would bend over like submissive sheep, or not stand for it, mobilise, and act. Looks like Koreans are a bit fed up with being an American[-Military-Complex] colony.

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Just one spot seen from my straw: I once asked a labmate from South Korea about why South Korean (college) students routinely protested no matter who the president was. His answer was simple: all these candidates were from the cabals, the oligarchs, warlords, or US-designated Quisling. The controlling power was rotated due to internal politics and random events, but the pool was small. Since then, SK college students seemed to have quieted down, but IMHO that was not due to good reasons.

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"...Yoon’s wife, Kim Keon-hee..."

Hunter Kim? (Hee-hee!)

"...“half of all living former South Korean presidents are now in prison” ..."

Maybe, but at least they're in prison. In other US 'allied' places, and indeed the US itself (Hi, Joe!), they avoid that. How many Ukrainians, among them many Russians, resposible for the Ukraine's inability to function as an independent nation state after 1991, have enjoyed fantastic riches as a result of state-level corruption, and are consequently responsible for the Ukraine's inability to function and demise into corrupt hands? Hi, Hunter!

"...more than meets the eye..."

What, swatstikas for scapegoating North Korea under the bed? (Don't!) Say hello to the Morons of McCain and the Azov Battalion?

"...hawkish on North Korea..."

One of the things I remember particularly noticing when Trump was playing his 'World's Best Negotiator' thing with (North)Korea (in 2018, or 19 — can't remember; before he'd made Fats Pompeo mess it up) was how important re-unification still is for both North and South Korea. I don't believe the 38th parallel-for-American-face-saving-convenience is a permanent feature, in any case. Perhaps its time has come? Panic, declare martial law!

"...if the opposition soon comes to power as expected and reforms South Korea’s foreign policy."

'All Things Must Pass' and 'All things come to he who waits.'

"..more than the ignominy that those two now face at home, might therefore be their longest-lasting legacy."

So, in real terms, eventually, they, like the Americans (and everyone else) might just turn out to be the right people in the right place at the right time?

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My pure SWAG is that the US didn't know and wasn't responsible, but they wouldn't have minded if the coup succeeded.

The relative silence at State was deafening. Pretend that a coup sought to topple a reliable American asset and replace him with a pro-Chinese one. State would waste no time letting everything one know just how they feel.

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This bloke was the most unpopular leader in the entire world. That explains it. South Korea is a deeply enslaved society which counters perception of this reality with a capitalist system. Corporations completely control the country. I say this as someone who is passionate about free enterprise. It's all a cover in South Korea.

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This is incredible. Everything is in motion. The USA did not negotiate anything anywhere. The political and economic system is fluxing and we are not in possession of any competent government or leaders.

The explosive outcomes will be deadly. We self terminated.

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